Subject: Nascar 99 and Interact V3 wheel
Date: August 29, 1999 8:48 PM
First, I must explain something. I am trying to provide remote support to
my father who lives in Nunavut, and I in Ontario. I was on the phone with
him trying to help him set up his V3 wheel in N99. It appeared to calibrate
fine (or so I am told) but when he tries to assign commands to the wheel,
such as shifting, it is reading the buttons on the wheel as axis on the
joystick. So, since he has steering and pedals set up on the axis, it is
conflicting because it is reading a press of one of the buttons as a
joystick axis(confused yet?> :) Is there something that you have to do to
the wheel to get it to recognize a buttion press as such? My T2 reads my
buttons as JOY1 Button 3 for example.......