Yes. You should attach one wire to pin 11 and the other one to pin 1 (8,9
15 is also +5V). No wires to ground.
After looking over the diagram of the gameport connector, I decided on pin
as it appears to be grouped with Joystick #2's set of connectors. This set
of pedals will be used as a rudder and using the breakout box it was
as good a choice as any.
I wanted to avoid using pins 12 and 15 as these are used for midi
control from my soundcard.
After melting down the hot glue (used as insulation over all the tiny
wire grafts), and unsoldering my wires, I attached the wire from
pin 9 (5V+), and pin 11 (X-axis) and then went into the Game Options
applet in 98SE. I selected the F-15E Talon by Sunncom
(as this is my joystick), and then checked the 'Rudder/Pedals'
Voila! I now had the '*** red' rudder control box in the calibration
menu, and had X-axis movement (rudder control). And the Joystick remained
'OK', i.e.,
I didn't get the 'Not Connected' as I usually do. The red vertical
indicator was
somewhat in the middle. I went to calibration, pressed on the right pedal
and the
bright red block indicator went to the top of the slot. Pressed on the left
and the bright red indicator went to the bottom and disappeared.
In short, it works!
> Is there any hope this can be converted to be used as a flight sim rudder?
> Or, even better would be
> to be able to wire it such that it can be used for either?
Don't you wan't split axis for this? I'm not into flying, but there are two
rudder "fins" right?
Actually, there is only one rudder fin. Its the vertical part of the tail
that moves
from side to side. Think of the rudder on a ship. Now, I'm not sure if
pedals accurately reflect the way rudder pedals work in real life, but they
configure out properly and do seem to work. When both pedals are in
resting position, the rudder is lined up in the center position. When I
on one pedal or the other I get a change in direction. If I step on the
pedal the plane goes left, if I step on the left pedal the plane goes right.
I think that's right.
Can't thank you enough for enlightening me on some very critical points
about pedals. It really helped this project be successful. As it is, I can
attach the pedals to the breakout box and get a set of rudders for flight
or attach them to their native connector on the steering column and get
gas/brake pedals.
Thank you as well for presenting the other wiring options in case I ever
need to use the pedals as a split axis controller.
As the InterAct V3 Racing Wheel and Pedals are a cheap $29 at Best Buy,
and as there are plenty of folks looking for cheap rudder pedals, this
project is bound to open some doors for other brave, cash-strapped folks,
like myself. If anyone wants to know how this was done
please email me at:
and I'll give you the details. I'm very jazzed about this.
Best Regards to you, Jone, and thanks!