> That's what I had to do yesterday. It cost me two wall hits :(
> -Larry
>>> Folks, I have another problem....
>>> I can't get TeamSpeak to work with the wheel button.
>>> I normally use the lower right (button 8) button to trigger teamspeak.
>>> Since TeamSpeak doesn't acknowledge wheel buttons, I have it set to
>>> trigger using the right control key.
>>> Then, in the profiler, I assign button 8 to the right control key.
>>> This worked perfectly with my MSFFW, but I cannot get it to trigger with
>>> the Logitech.
>>> Also, I need this button to work like this in ANY game since I use it
>>> consistently for this. Any way to set this in a global manner?
>>> -Larry
>>>> Good tip. Thanks!
>>>> -Larry
>>>>>> EA-NSR Demo
>>>>>> GTP
>>>>>> rFactor
>>>>>> Thanks :)
>>>>>> -Larry
>> You need a little utility and for the life of me I cant remember the name
>> of
>> it or find it on my network. Joyswitch or something like that. I got
>> tired of having to mess with it so I just mapped a kb button then moved
>> my KB closer for easy reach.
>> Mitch
>> --
>> Remove "nospam." to reply.
>> SuSE 9.2 Pro KDE 3.3.2a
LOL, yea I been there :) Distractions are my worst enemy. Half the time Im
on the phone or Bonnie is yappin at me about something or Im glancing at
the Busch race on TV (yes my TV in directly in my feild of vision so I dont
turn my head) always something :)
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SuSE 9.2 Pro KDE 3.3.2a