Gary Beard
Start/Settings/Control Panel/Game Controllers.
Double Left Click on the MOMO, then click the Settings button (bottom
Then set these options...
Combined - unticked (ie: no checkmark) [this allows your brake and gas
pedals to be on a separate axis, which is important to have]
Enable Force Feedback - ticked (ie: checkmark it) [this allows force
feedback in games duh]
Overall Effects Strength - 97% [the reason for 97% and NOT 100% is a long
and complicated explanation, but in short it helps oscillations from
Spring Effects Strength - 0% [no Papyrus sims use this setting and oddly
enough, if you set it to anything other than 0% you will get undesirable
Damper Effects Strength - 0% [very VERY important to set this to 0%, this is
probably THE most important setting, as it will greatly increase notchiness
and wheel twitches, even though the Papyrus sims do not exactly enable it]
Enable Centering Spring - ticked [you are going to find this strange,
because in the next setting I tell you to set it to 0%, which is odd because
why not just untick it? well, there's a reason and here it is... if you
don't tick this option and also don't have Damping set -which if your going
with these settings you won't- then a strange phenomenon happens, you will
find that if you turn your wheel rather sharply, the resistance of the wheel
just "gives out" which is not something you want to happen. I will also
admit that having this unchecked does appear to give slightly better
forces -SLIGHTLY- but the repercussions just aren't worth it for the payoff.
so in the end check this option]
Centering Spring Strength - 0% [this is IMPORTANT! i know it's weird, but
you must set it to 0% - read above option for better explanation]
Then in your Logitech Wingman Profiler, create a Nascar 2003 profile and
then set these settings as follows...
Steering Wheel Sensitivity to 33% [the reason you want to go down from the
default 50% to 33% is because at 50% the wheel is too sensitive to tiny
wheel adjustments... which is not realistic. drive your car and notice how
far you have to turn your wheel... the MOMO have a large radius to turn,
it's a shame most people only move it 5 degrees to either side. this setting
should allow more precise driving and overall smoothness as well - and you
can go down even lower if you wish, to say, 25% if you want to have even
more movement, but i suggest 33% for starters at least, get used to that and
go more later if you like the effect]
Steering Wheel Dead Zone - 2% [another long explanation would be needed and
I don't feel like telling, but in short this also helps oscillations and
Accelerator Sensitivity - 55% [strangely, this option is the exact opposite
of the Steering, INCREASING this option from the default 50% to 55% makes
the gas less sensitive to the immediate input, in other words, you have to
push down farther before the car gets more power. the default 50% is a
little touchy - when you barely touch the pedal the car can spin out. 55%
helps this from happening and overall gives a more natural and fine tune
Accelerator Dead Zone - 2% [much the same reasoning as above, this helps
from keeping your car getting to much gas too fast]
Brake Sensitivity - 55% [exact same reasons as accelerator, increasing this
to 55% helps your brakes from locking up to fast. one word of note though is
that I have modified my brake pedal to include the squash ball instead of
the spring, so that may make a difference in your setup. just note that
increasing this gives less immediate braking and can help if your tires are
locking up too easily under braking]
Brake Dead Zone - 2% [same reasons as all the others dead zones]
Now, in Nascar 2003, enable the Force Feedback option under the Controls tab
and you should run this setting in between 35-65 (50 being most common
setting) depending on the track and more importantly, on your setup for that
track. I know this is a pain to have to do at each individual track, but
depending on your setup you will need to adjust the strength of the forces
in game between each track change.
Just start out from 50 and work from there. the key to adjusting strength is
this... if the wheel has a "notchy" feel, lower the setting till it JUST
goes away, if it doesn't have a notchy feel, then raise it till you feel the
notchyness and then lower it till it just goes away again. In essence giving
you the most forces while remaining smooth.
Leave Damping completely off in game... but *IF* and only if you are
oscillating exiting a corner on the straight, then you can slightly and
slowly increase it in game till you stop oscillating, but I doubt many of
you will have oscillation problems because the settings we set up earlier
should rid you of any. This is the only good thing Damping is good for, so
try not to use it unless you have to because it hurts your performance
elsewhere. and again, NEVER EVER EVER use the Damping setting in windows,
the one found in the control panel... and only use the in-game damping if
you absolutely must (as this can mask the real forces and it also increases
notchiness by a factor of 3 fold).
Leave latency off in game (0%). It only provides fake and incorrect forces
at usually the wrong time anyways and can definitely get in the way of
things and effect the overall impressions of the wheel with the rest of
these settings described here. if you honestly feel like forces are
literally coming too late (which I find very hard to believe) and you feel
like you absolutely have to add to this setting, go ahead and increase it...
with 25 being your absolute max (15 the preferred max) and 0% being the
//* *
//* Player File *
//* *
//* Edit at your own risk! *
//* *
//* Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Image Space Incorporated *
//* All rights reserved. *
//* *
Scene Description="1999_Albert_Park"
AI Database
Profile Vehicle
Driver Name="Johnny Herbert"
Steering Help="0"
Steering Help Functionality="1" // 0 = new help, 1 = new help + grip, 2 =
original F1 2001, 3 = original + grip
Throttle Control="0"
Brake Help="0"
Antilock Brakes="0"
Spin Recovery="0"
Opposite Lock="0"
Stability Control="0"
No AI Control="0" // AI never has control over car (except autopit)
Pitcrew Push="1" // When out of fuel in pitlane, allows pitcrew to push car
(use throttle and gear selection to direct)
Auto Clutch="1"
Auto Lift="0" // Whether to automatically lift with manual shifting but
auto-clutch (non-semiautomatic trans only)
Auto Blip="1" // Whether to automatically blip with manual shifting but
auto-clutch (non-semiautomatic trans only)
Shift Mode="0"
Manual Shift Override Time="0.60000" // How long after a manual shift until
auto shifting resumes (if auto-shifting is enabled)
Auto Shift Override Time="0.55000" // How long after an automatic shift
before user is allowed to manually shift
Auto Reverse="0"
Speed Sensitive Steering="0.60000"
Half Rate="0" // 0 = super-high physics rate, 1 = normal
Launch Control="1" // Whether old cars get launch control because we failed
to document it properly
Tire Sampling="1" // 0 = normal, 1 = extra HAT samples (*slightly* more
accurate over sharp curbs, otherwise a waste of CPU)
Telemetry Version="0" // Version of telemetry to write out
Telemetry Rate="8"
Telemetry In Race="1"
Telemetry EXE="telemetry\f1_telemetry.exe"
Telemetry File="telemetry\telemetry.spt"
[ Mechanical Failures ]
CURNT Failure Rate="2" // Mechanical failure rate (0-none, 1-normal,
2-timescaled, 3-season)
PRACT Failure Rate="2" // Mechanical failure rate (0-none, 1-normal,
2-timescaled, 3-season)
QUICK Failure Rate="2" // Mechanical failure rate (0-none, 1-normal,
2-timescaled, 3-season)
GPRIX Failure Rate="2" // Mechanical failure rate (0-none, 1-normal,
2-timescaled, 3-season)
CHAMP Failure Rate="2" // Mechanical failure rate (0-none, 1-normal,
2-timescaled, 3-season)
MULTI Failure Rate="2" // Mechanical failure rate (0-none, 1-normal,
2-timescaled, 3-season)
RPLAY Failure Rate="2" // Mechanical failure rate (0-none, 1-normal,
2-timescaled, 3-season)
[ Race Conditions ]
Run Practice1="1"
Run Practice2="1"
Run Practice3="1"
Run Practice4="1"
Run Qualify="1"
Run Warmup="1"
Race Timer="0" // Seconds between displaying time remaining in race (zero
AI Follow Grid="1" // AI follows center of grid locations during
Recon Pit Open="300" // Time that pits remain open for recon laps (real-life
is 900 seconds)
Recon Pit Closed="150" // Time that pits are closed before formation lap
(real-life is 900 seconds)
Recon Timer="1" // Whether timer is displayed at top of screen
CURNT Reconnaissance="0" // Reconnaissance laps
PRACT Reconnaissance="1" // Reconnaissance laps
QUICK Reconnaissance="0" // Reconnaissance laps
GPRIX Reconnaissance="0" // Reconnaissance laps
CHAMP Reconnaissance="0" // Reconnaissance laps
MULTI Reconnaissance="0" // Reconnaissance laps
RPLAY Reconnaissance="1" // Reconnaissance laps
CURNT Grid Walkthrough="1"
PRACT Grid Walkthrough="1"
QUICK Grid Walkthrough="1"
GPRIX Grid Walkthrough="1"
CHAMP Grid Walkthrough="1"
MULTI Grid Walkthrough="0"
RPLAY Grid Walkthrough="1"
CURNT Formation Lap="0"
PRACT Formation Lap="0"
QUICK Formation Lap="0"
GPRIX Formation Lap="0"
CHAMP Formation Lap="0"
MULTI Formation Lap="0"
RPLAY Formation Lap="0"
CURNT Flag Rules="1" // Level of rule enforcement
PRACT Flag Rules="1" // Level of rule enforcement
QUICK Flag Rules="1" // Level of rule enforcement
GPRIX Flag Rules="1" // Level of rule enforcement
CHAMP Flag Rules="1" // Level of rule enforcement
MULTI Flag Rules="1" // Level of rule enforcement
RPLAY Flag Rules="1" // Level of rule enforcement
CURNT Weather="1" // Random/season/sunny/etc.
PRACT Weather="0" // Random/season/sunny/etc.
QUICK Weather="0" // Random/season/sunny/etc.
GPRIX Weather="1" // Random/season/sunny/etc.
CHAMP Weather="0" // Random/season/sunny/etc.
MULTI Weather="0" // Random/season/sunny/etc.
RPLAY Weather="0" // Random/season/sunny/etc.
CURNT TimeScaledWeather="1" // Whether weather time is scaled with session
PRACT TimeScaledWeather="1" // Whether weather time is scaled with session
QUICK TimeScaledWeather="1" // Whether weather time is scaled with session
GPRIX TimeScaledWeather="1" // Whether weather time is scaled with session
CHAMP TimeScaledWeather="1" // Whether weather time is scaled with session
MULTI TimeScaledWeather="1" // Whether weather time is scaled with session
RPLAY TimeScaledWeather="1" // Whether weather time is scaled with session
[ Sound Options ]
Maximum Effects="14" // Maximum sound effects playing simultaneously
Music="1" // Music Toggle
Min Announcer Pause="1" // in seconds
Track Load Commentary="1" // Whether or not the commentator should talk
during track loading
Realtime In Monitor="1" // Whether to play realtime sounds in monitor
SoundFX Volume="1.00000" // 0.0-1.0
Engine Volume="1.00000" // 0.0-1.0
Traction Control="1.75000" // Volume multiplier
Player Volume Ratio="1.00000" // Additional volume multiplayer for player's
Other Volume Ratio="1.00000" // Additional volume multiplayer for other
Music Volume="0.34906" // 0.0-1.0
Pit Volume="0.50000" // 0.0-1.0, controls volume of pit sounds while you're
at the monitor
Announcer Volume="0.50000" // 0.0-1.0
Sound Detail="1"
Crowd Range="75.00000" // Volume range parameter
Crowd Shape="0.75000" // Shape of volume attenuation
Crowd Ambient="2.50000" // Ambient range where volume is maximum
Airhorn Range="75.00000"
Airhorn Shape="0.75000"
Airhorn Ambient="2.50000"
Public Address Range="50.00000"
Public Address Shape="0.75000"
Public Address Ambient="2.50000"
Pithorn Range="30.00000"
Pithorn Shape="0.45000"
Pithorn Ambient="1.50000"
Helicopter Range="75.00000"
Helicopter Shape="0.70000"
Helicopter Ambient="2.50000"
[ Graphic Options ]
Broadcast Overlay="0"
Texture Detail="3"
Rearview Width="64.00000"
Rearview Height="14.00000"
Rearview Particles="1"
Self In Rearview="0" // Show rear wing and rear wheels in rearview
Vehicle Sparks="1" // Whether sparks occur from vehicle-to-vehicle
Backfire Anim Speed="30.00000"
Moving Steering Wheel="0"
LCD Display Modes="7" // Add the modes to allow them: 1=status 2=aids
4=engine/brake temps
Player Detail="3"
Opponent Detail="3"
Garage Detail="0.60000" // LOD multiplier when vehicle is in garage
Pitcrew Detail="2"
Special FX="4"
Lightning Probability="1.00000" // Probability of seeing lightning (0.0-1.5)
Thunder Probability="1.50000" // Probability of hearing thunder (0.0-1.5)
Cloud Scroll="0.00000" // Maximum cloud scrolling rate (0.000-0.010)
Cloud Blend="0" // Whether to roll the rainy cloud map in across sky (only
works with overhead not cylinder skies)
Skybox Positioning="0.96000" // Numbers less than 1.0 cause the skybox to
get closer as you drive towards it
Vehicle Flow Radius="4.00000" // Vehicle sphere radius for
Vehicle Flow Offset="3.10000" // Offset below vehicle where sphere center is
Engine Emitter Flow="1" // Whether engine smoke/flames flow over emitting
Tire Emitter Flow="1" // Whether tire smoke/dust flow over emitting vehicle
Smoke Flow="1" // Whether all smoke/flames/dust flow over non-emitting
Raindrop Flow="2" // Add to enable: 1=flow over current 2=flow over other
Rainspray Flow="2" // Add to enable: 1=flow over current 2=flow over other
Spark Flow="2" // Add to enable: 1=flow over current 2=flow over other
Glance Rate="7.00000" // Rate to follow controller for glancing
Look Up/Down Angle="0.75000" // Angle to look up/down (pitch) w/ controller
in radians (= degrees / 57)
Leanahead Angle="0.00000" // Angle to lean head (roll) w/ steering in
radians (= degrees / 57)
Look Roll Angle="0.75000" // Angle to lean head (roll) w/ controller in
radians (= degrees / 57)
Glance Angle="0.75000" // Angle to look left/right (yaw) w/ controller in
radians (= degrees / 57)
Lookahead Angle="0.20000" // Angle to lookahead (yaw) w/ steering in radians
(= degrees / 57)
Head Physics="1.00000" // Fraction of head physics movement applied to
cockpit view (position AND rotation)
Head Rotation="1.00000" // Additional head physics multiplier affecting
rotation only
Track Detail="3"
Environment Map="1"
MIP Mapping="1"
Compressed Textures="1"
Dynamic Lighting="2"
Max Visible Vehicles="104"
Map OppDetail To Visible="1" // Map opponent detail level to max
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Thanks again,
Gary Beard
Thanks for the help nonetheless,
Gary Beard
Gary Beard