Feedback. Based on all of the comments I've been reading on the group, I
expected to get much better force feedback, but instead I just seem to be
getting weaker force feedback. On the TM wheel I would have to turn down
the maximum wheel force down to 80% or so if I didn't want a real workout
- with the MOMO set to 98% (per recommendations in this group) it feels
much weaker. If I turn it up over 100% the strength is there, but the
feedback is "rough".
I mostly play the EA F1 series of games - currently F1C. I have set the
forces in the .plr file according to the settings that were posted in this
group from a simbin post, and I have the settings in the Logitech control
panel at 98% overall, 0% spring, 0% damper, centering turned on but at 0%
(per another post that mentioned these settings as good for the Nascar
series - I don't know if I should set them that way for F1C). This is just
the last series of settings I've tested.
My main complaint is the lack of centering force on the wheel - only when
going really fast is there any centering force, and when going not so fast
there is no indication of tire grip. With the TM, I was accustomed to the
wheel trying to return to center while I was turning, until the car
started to slip, at which point I'd lose centering force. This was my
signal to recover until I felt the tires "grab" again through the wheel.
This feeling is lost with the MOMO.
I tested with GPL and got slightly better FF effects - the impact effects
were actually relatively strong compared to those in F1C - this makes me
think that it's not that my wheel has a weak motor.
Given all the comments on the excellence of the MOMO, I expect that
there's something wrong in my setup. I'm on Windows XP Pro, DX9, 2100XP
Athlon, Radeon 8500, Hercules Gametheater XP sound card, DirectX 9.0b.
Can anyone help me? Or do I have a bad MOMO? Have I been spoiled by bad FF
effects from the TM so I don't know good FF if it bit me in the... well,
you know?
Please, help a poor sim newbie! Thanks!
...for in Ulthar, according to an ancient and significant law,
no man may kill a cat. -- H.P. Lovecraft