> >So this is some sort of design flaw in GPL then... that it will run
> >at different speeds at different systems.
> No, it isn't a design flaw IMO. GPL has to work with the hardware
> it is installed on, it doesn't have a timer of its own <g>
Well i'd call it a design flaw since in online races the times should be
comparable.... and if one client does a 1:04+ lap in 59 secs (or all
others run those 1:04+ laps in 1:10) then it is anything but comparable
don't you think.
Besides the hardware timer is pretty much the same on all systems.
Actaully i don't think it's the server because then all clients would
have had incredible times. That is if the server clock is slow and
thinks 1:04 is 59 secs then this is true for all clients.
Sure but that's why the programs run at different frame rates on
different systems but IMHO if the game tells you that your lap time
was 2:30 it should actually take about 2:30 real world time to do
such a lap (or at least the offset should be the same on all systems).
That is of course unless somebody starts messing around with the system
timers which is some sort of cheating.
I'm not talking about overclocking - usually the software makes up for
those modifications - otherwise your windows time would be off all the
Anybody knows how the syncronization is actually done in GPL ?
Can it cause the clients to run the game faster/slower than real time ?
One more thing - Is it possible to modify the cars grip ?
In that case i'd understand why the server thinks that the car
runs into the grass on every corner - but due to the increased
grip it is able to make it and is warped back on the track - ahead
of the others.... just an idea.