In the software industry there is a "practice" that is sometimes employed,
it involves releasing the final beta of your software to the customer then
sit tight and take the complaints for the first three months of release.
When you have gathered enough knowledge about the problems that exist with
the software from irate customers reporting problems you fix them, and
release a patch, and with that you release what should have been the
original product.
The problems being that PC's represent such a variety of differing system
configurations worldwide that testing them all is nigh on impossible.
Sadly, the consumer can do very little in this situation but wait for the
software house to perform their work, the customers of Hasbro suffered when
they realised that no patch was coming. But I don't think there is anything
to suggest that Papyrus's future at risk here.
At least I hope not. I hope they are working on a patch but if they are
they need to give it enough time to make sure that someone finds EVERY
problem there is with the software so that they don't have to release a
sequence of small patches (See BattleCruiser 3000AD or Rally Championship).
> I am perfectly willing to take Papy at their word regarding a patch
> there has been no word. There are two possible reasons for this:
> 1. They are incapable of communication
> or
> 2. They are unwilling to communicate.
> If there is a third possibility, what it is? If there is only these
> then in my skeptical mind neither of these possibilities bode well. In the
> real world as it stands now I have a choice of either keeping a game I
> cannot accept in its present state or getting back the $45 I paid for it.
> choose the cash. And, as I said, your faith may be rewarded. In which case
> shall run down to the store and again purchase NASCAR 4 and it will give
> the greatest pleasure to take all the "I TOLD YOU SO!'s" you or anyone
> care to hand out.
> There are still a few days until the cutoff for returning the game for
> refund. I await some word from Papy. I will believe what they say. If Papy
> says nothing then nothing is what I will believe.
> > I used to think just like you Joe. Papyrus is different. Largely because
> > most of the guys who work on the product play it just as much or more
> > we do. I almost think they would make a patch with our without funding.
> They
> > want to play it.
> > Yes it's blind faith, but it's an educated blind faith.
> > Tom