I am perfectly willing to take Papy at their word regarding a patch but
there has been no word. There are two possible reasons for this:
1. They are incapable of communication
2. They are unwilling to communicate.
If there is a third possibility, what it is? If there is only these two
then in my skeptical mind neither of these possibilities bode well. In the
real world as it stands now I have a choice of either keeping a game I
cannot accept in its present state or getting back the $45 I paid for it. I
choose the cash. And, as I said, your faith may be rewarded. In which case I
shall run down to the store and again purchase NASCAR 4 and it will give me
the greatest pleasure to take all the "I TOLD YOU SO!'s" you or anyone else
care to hand out.
There are still a few days until the cutoff for returning the game for a
refund. I await some word from Papy. I will believe what they say. If Papy
says nothing then nothing is what I will believe.