I've been using the keyboard for racing in NASCAR with ok results. It
seems the biggest problem with buttons though are that they are either ON
or OFF. No inbetweens. Question: Are the joy sticks & wheels the same
way? I mean for instance if you turn the wheel half way does the car
experience say half the wheel lock angle? OR is it done so that the
wheels and sticks put out periodic signals that are proportional to the
range of movement? I ask this to Rick because the program has to know (it
seems) the answer to this too.
The keyboard (and other digital controllers, such as joystick buttons)
causes steering, acceleration, braking and reverse to be applied on an
increasing basis. We do not "slam" the wheels left/right, or the gas/brake
to the floor. We do it gradually over a period of time (I don't have the
code in front of me so I can't say at what rate, but it's short - about a
second to full value, I believe).
Analog controllers such as joysticks are interpreted for steering in one
of two ways. If you choose linear steering, then the joystick value
corresponds linearly to the steering angle; 1/2 left will give you 1/2
left steering. If you choose non-linear steering, then the joystick value
is converted to steering angle by a (surprise) non-linear function; again,
I don't have the code in front of me, so I can't tell you what the
function is.
Rick Genter
Technical Lead, IndyCar Racing II
Papyrus Design Group, Inc.