: What do the columns of #'s stand for and what do they do in V1.2
: Nascar racing?
The first number is the car's #
The second number is chassis
The third number is tars (i.e.,tires)
The fourth & fifth numbers represent the "power" range
The sixth & seventh numbers represent the "traction" range
The eighth & nineth numbers represent the "drag" range
The tenth & eleventh numbers represent the driver's "aggressiveness"
During each session the program will pick a number within the above
ranges. This will dictate the overall performance of this driver. The
power translates basically to straight-away speed. Traction deals with
cornering ability. Drag is used during qualifying. Aggressiveness
dictates the driver's tendancy to move over if you "get under them".
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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