: >>Why can't I see any difference on my computer using a S3 video card or
: >>a Matrox Millennium. The frame rate is the same.
: >Processor also counts- even more I would say...
: No difference what so ever. And this is what I find so strange.
I am getting totally confused. While testing my "humble" ATI Mach64,
I've tried everything (short of upgrading my mb/cpu) and found no
changes. The big theory being floated around here is to set the fps to
2-3 less than the estimated. Well I did that and I get EXACTLY the same
CPU % under the identitical texture details. I'm beginning to think
that this quest for the holy video grail is a case of mass hypnosis.
If I understand the posts and theory, I should see a drop in CPU% if I
lower the frame rate, right? I can set it down to 4-5 less than the
estimated and nothing changes. I must be missing something here. The
only difference I can force is to lower the detail level. Changing
frame rate doesn't do diddly for me.
Maybe by the time GP3 comes out I will have saved enough pocket change
to upgrade my CPU/mb :(
**************************** Michael E. Carver *************************
Upside out, or inside down...False alarm the only game in town.
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