shots of nice cars ..... and that makes everything nice.
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Regards, Rudy
Ok, I shouldn't say "I thought that scene was Zandy." The scene where
Pete Aarons' car catches on fire *definitely* is Zandy. =)
>><Grin> If you confuse Zandy with Brands you must've been sniffing some
>>or our local flora ;)
>Ok, I shouldn't say "I thought that scene was Zandy." The scene where
>Pete Aarons' car catches on fire *definitely* is Zandy. =)
Jason (going back into my corner, thx)
> > When I interviewed Frankenheimer for my (aborted) "making of" book
> > he indicated the legal rights to "GP" were all in a twist, but promised
> > go to bat with his friends in the industry to get it released on DVD to
> > coincide with the publishing of the book. Sadly, he died before he
> > make it happen.
> That is a shame. I saw an interview with him and Garner (well, perhaps
> they were interviewed separately ;) where he alluded to a substantial
> amount of racing footage which was archived after the film was edited
> together. Wouldn't it be great to have a deluxe edition DVD with hours
> of outtake footage included?
Or even better, a deluxe edition DVD with just the racing footage and all
the daft love triangle bit left on the cutting room floor!
Bits in Grand Prix I love; the start sequence at Monaco, the dry/wet race at
Spa, round the banking at Monza.
Bits I hate; the fake F1 cars, the silly circus music and out-of-focus
frustration at Charade (what a waste that was!), the*** off the
suspension camera shots that must have been filmed at about 20mph...
Still, it's a record of the times, and I wouldn't give my copy away.
- Michael