The point of *that* would be to bring you back to earth and place you In The
Year Of Our Lord in which the movie debuted so that you can understand that
then was *then* and what *was* simply......was. It was 1966, NOT
There is no point in passing judgement on something thirty-odd years after
it first saw the light of day because you are doing so from a completely
different viewpoint to that which existed in 1966.
It would make as much sense to criticise 1960's American and western society
as a whole from the perspective of the 2000's. You cannot legitimately do so
because it is a biased situation.
It's like people who are currently in their twenties - thirties casting
ridicule over the fashions and decor of the 1970's. There just isn't any
legitimacy in doing so because back then, when we were in the same age
group, that was just how things were.
We didn't wake up each morning thinking "Jeez! These flared pants, body
shirts and paisley ties are totally stupid - I guess my kids will poke fun
at them in another thirty year's time!" or "Urrk! That kidney-shaped coffee
table is so uncool, I'd better get rid of it and get a plain rectangular one
so that in 2003 I won't be embarrassed."
How much sense would it have made for us to subject the styles, fashions and
tastes of the 1930's to similar scrutiny?
None whatsoever - just as it makes no sense for you to pass judgement on the
tastes of the 1960's.