>> I have a AMD K6 200MHZ and 32 MB ram with STB Nitro 3D card. I turn all
>> the funtions on in the options in graphics and it estimated a 25.6 FPS.
>> But when i play the game, it is still kind of jerky. But i don't think
>> that a K6 200 will do this because this game is quite old.
The game is 1.5 years old. At the time, NO machine was capable of running it
full-detail, SVGA 25fps with a processor occupancy under 100% all the time. At
THIS moment, you'll need AT LEAST a PII 300 to get that performance always and
everywhere (not speaking about external views and moments when you get smoke in
your view... That will take a PII-600 or something....)
However, with your machine you should get fine results by turning off sky
texture and some mirror textures. Maybe go to 23fps instead of 25 (shouldn't
make THAT much difference)
As said before, you should always set the framerate about 2fps lower than the
"recommended" to get fluid.
Running in DOS makes another slight improvement (I "feel" the difference as 1-2
fps compared with running from Win95).
You could also replace the***pit graphic by one of the many available on the
Net. Some have a bigger "display", leaving a smaller area of the screen to be
updated. This can also make you gain some fps.
AND you could overclock to 233 Mhz...
As you can see, lots of possibilities to get better performance! But don't let
frustration for missing 2-3fps spoil the game for you. It's excellent stuff
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When everything else failed, we can still become im-
mortal by making an enormous blunder....
John Kenneth Galbraith