Has disabling "streaming sound" stopped the freeze? I'd be interested to
know (and could your repeat the sound card you have). Also, this might be
hard to do (usually you have to have someone watching for you), but can you
determine if your hard drive is "active" when the freeze happens? This is
easiest to detect by seeing the hard drive activity light come on...or blink
quickly, just as the freeze occurs.
Here's a new area (new to me) that can cause freezing. Side Band Addressing
(SBA).....and Fast Writes (FW).....are not compatible on some video
card/mobo combinations. These are complicated issues and probably not
within the scope of a newsgroup post. But here's a "***" on each:
FW: Not compatible on AMD platforms (works on Intel boards) and can cause
all kinds of weird behavior. Disable it in the mobo BIOS AND in the video
card vga-BIOS.
SBA: There's no mobo BIOS setting for this. It is found in the video
card's vga-BIOS only. Some GF4 cards have it enabled by default. Most have
it disabled by default. It robs you of FPS and does nothing that it was
intended to do. It can cause screen freezes and graphic anomalies as well.
You made a comment above about using a video card tweak utility to set the
AGP port. My experience has been that using anything other than a direct
BIOS entry for this is unreliable. The mobo BIOS doesn't do well when some
kind of TSR tries to override it. Why not add some insurance and set the
AGP directly in your mobo BIOS at boot up? Try setting it to 2x (128 for
the aperture) and see if that stops the screen freeze. If it does, consider
it a lucky find. The 2x AGP is more stable on many platforms and it only
takes a small hit to the FPS (2 or 3 FPS in N2K2.....not a bad price for
stability). I run only 2x AGP now.....and still get FPS up in the 100's for
N2K2. Maybe you've tried that already, sorry if you have....I haven't seen
all your posts on this screen freeze issue.
What I can gather from your posts I have read, you seem pretty
tech-competent on this stuff.....so my guess is that some little "setting"
is the culprit. Or at least, that's what you are down to since it appears
the freezes are much less frequent now. Keep digging.....you'll find it.
Good luck....
> > DGF: This screen freeze thing is a fairly common issue from time to
> > (more so in N2K2 that other sims in the past, I believe). I assume you
> have
> > taken the normal and customary fixes into account and done them? You
> > know.....taking control of the "swap file" back from Windows and setting
> > your ram allocation for replay to a large number (the papy default is
> > small...so you keep swapping in and out of the swap file during a
> > race....that can cause freezes)? Have you? If not...try that first.
> Yes, I've done EVERYTHING and long ago. :-)
> >Also,
> > screen freezes are common when the video card is over heating....which
> > very easy to do in running N2K2.
> Tried running with the cover off the case adn a big fan blowing on the
> months ago. Still froze for a few seconds.
> >That's another issue I fight with all the
> > time. You should not have to endure screen freezes.....if you are
> > them, you can take action to eliminate them (short of the obvious fact
> that
> > if you have a defective video card....there's nothing you can do about
> that
> > but replace it).
> Actually, I did replace the card about two weeks ago even though it wasn't
> necessary. What turned out to be the problem was my AGP aperature was
> getting reset to something other than 4x. How, I'm not sure. I now keep
> checking it and even reset it occasionally with the GeForce Tweak Utility
> just to make sure it's still at 4x. Have only had that one freeze when the
> spotter said "there's five laps to go" since I figured out it was the AGP.
> Maybe I was suffering from two types of freezes all along. Some did seeem
> happen when the spotter said something somewhat unique (as opposed to
> "inside" or "outside" which is said many times during a race). I've now
> disabled streaming sound which is something one of the Papyrus guys said
> eliminate sound related freezes.
> David G Fisher