I just checked and there is no menu for changing the dead zone.
after selecting player 1 setup, i can select either steering wheel or
keyboard, and there's an OK option at the bottom. In between there are
a bunch of unselectable options, none of them are deadzone anyways.
they look like options for force feedback controllers or gamepads
which i'm not using. when i select ok, i get a menu for assigning
buttons. when i press ok at this menu i'm back at the main controller
menu. the only thing i can change are the button assignments. in their
infinite wisdom, if you choose a joystick/steering wheel as your
controller, you can't assign a keyboard key to a button.
On Tue, 20 Mar 2001 18:44:02 -0500, "chainbreaker"
>The controller setup screen is buried deep within the games shitty
>console-type menus. Go to options/controllers/player1setup/ then keep
>selecting "OK" until at about the 3rd screen you'll finally come to a screen
>where you can change deadzones, etc.
>There's a lot to like about CMR2, but the more I've played it the more
>aggravated I've become until I've just about decided that it's "consolish"
>characteristics have made it too damned aggravating to play and enjoy.
>Jerry Morelock
>I just bought and installed Colin McRae 2 this evening. The game on my
>system has a HUGE dead zone on my steering wheel. I have to turn the
>wheel almost full-lock either direction to get the car to turn. My
>wheel is set up fine and works great with all my other games. I
>couldn't find any menu options for adjusting the wheel sensitibity or
>dead zones. If anyone knows how to fix this, I'd love to hear from