21K of bandwidth is all thats needed for joining any race, but it needs to be a good quality
connection, If you have high latency(pings) or lots of dropped packets, it will be bad. Lately,
there seems to be a new group of hosts that are automatically discoing users on dial-up, it will be
worse now that the patch shows everyones ping and quality numbers...If they don't want dial-up users
in their races, why don't they just restrict the MLAT? I get pings ranging from 167-194 for
probably 80% of the servers on sierra.com, and most have their MLAT set for 250-300, so I can
connect and race, until they decide to disco me...very frustrating.
"Don't touch that please, your primitive intellect wouldn't understand
alloys and compositions and,......things with molecular structures,....and
the....." - Ash
> Anybody know how good playing N2002 online with a 28.8 modem would be? I
> read that you need something like 21 Kbps to play, but is it gonna be just
> barely playable with that amount of bandwidth?