>>(Make sure you've got all the sounds and named right too, though,
>>otherwise gpl won't enter any race screen.))
> Ruud, can you expand on this?
> I downloaded the "sounds" (albeit a while back) and assumed I had it all
> nicely situated. Didnt notice much
Well if you didn't notice much then it's all right I guess... You're not
supposed to notice much until you install the 65 Mod - which you might
need the FULL GPL for - , then you notice you've got a bunch of new
sounds for the 65 cars. You need to have the right number of sounds (I
guess 7 + 7 so 14 total) and named right (should find that in the
readmes: names like h65.wav I think) otherwise the game won't let you race.
It should, it has all the modern GPL add-on t***s and then some.
Seems to be a very popular download lately. I don't know if it's fully
usable for online stuff and such, though, I think it's only usable for
the Glen and Monza and maybe not for 65. (Buying GPL for next to nothing
like you can today, is still the best thing to do! :)
Best thing is just to copy the entire GPL folder and use that for a
separate install. That way, nothing much can happen and you'd still have
your own folder as a good backup. (You might want to change the odd
pointer to gpl.exe here and there for the new folder though.) Same thing
with installing the 65 Mod: just make a folder copy and work from that.
Luckily, GPL allows you to do that as long as you work from the same OS,
like 98 or XP, and don't mix-nd-match.
And the All-in-One patch from trackdb.d2g.com is really handy to bring
your GPL install up-to-date for modern systems like XP on a 2 GHz
machine; worked fine on my brothers' pc. So first you patch that and if
that folder works, just copy the entire folder. If you use the new GPL
2004 demo I think that's already patched and you just copy the folder.
And then make some aliases for each gpl.exe to sit on the Win desktop
Regards, Rudy
GPLRank: -22