> I'm wanting to know if I will get much of an advantage if I get myself a
> dedicated game card for f1rs. ( i.e will it help my steering wheel and
> pedals input?)
> I also would like to know what is a reasonably decent card.
> I'm running it on Intel 233 mmx 64 meg and monster 3dfx.
> Any help wold be appreaciated
> Vail
If I may ask, what makes you think that you need a game card? In my own
system I have been using the AWE64 gameport with no problems. If you
feel the gamecard is for you then the Thrustmaster ACM gamecard is not
too pricey at around forty bucks. It does work well, give it a try. I
used to use one and liked it but now it seems that open slot has other
All the best, Mike Davis
Michael S. Davis
Creative Media-Works
Computer/Audio/Video Convergence
"from Creative minds spring Creative solutions."