Joe McGinn
GA-Sports Writer
Joe McGinn
GA-Sports Writer
Nice review, Joe... but may I offer a minor comment:
Did I miss the mention of the lack of a Replay feature? Could be an
important item for some people.
You did say that there were lots of "photo finishes" in your races,
and to some that could imply the existence of a replay feature.
My apologies if you did mention the lack of DTR replays and I missed
Joe McGinn
GA-Sports Writer
Hi Joe,
To be even handed towards Ratbag I think you should have drawn more
attention to areas like how obvious it is DTR is *not* a fully featured
game. Your review is on the internet, I am on the internet, and
everyone who read your review is on the internet.. and yet Ratbag gave
us a game that shockingly poor in terms of how friendly it is to
internet based fan sites and competitions. If your review was in print,
thats one thing, but as a person connected to the internet you could
have mentioned how half-assed Ratbag is in certain areas. Like:
**Against the advice of beta-testers who knew better, they allowed for
editing car performance WITHOUT any ride along feature that would let
you know if you were racing against someone with a doctored car.
**No 'time trial' mode, or ghost mode, where you hotlap all by yourself
against your previous best (or other peoples) laps.
**No replays what so ever.
**No ability to save races of any kind.
..against this, Ratbag added what THEY thought was important, and yes
the Career Mode is nice. But thats Offline! I go back again to the
point about you being a reviewer on an internet based racing website,
and I'm here to tell you that DTR is VERY unfriendly towards internet
use (and Online races have drawbacks you didnt mention, but see below).
I have a DTR website I spent a lot of time on, so I'm obviously not
saying I think DTR is crap, but it is very disappointing in many
internet related areas. 19.99 is a good price.. but for 40 or 50
dollars I think it would have been overpriced.
Late Model Players Guide
p.s. I'm saying this because I hope they learn more about how people
use 'product' over the internet, and get smarter next time.
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