Why wont it 'let' you get into Bios....?
Take CONTROL man...go on try it...."I am a MAN.." ;)
You have made a start up floppy...?
That is a decent mobo....your answers might divulge a little more :)
If I knew I would'nt be posting this..
It wont post even...
Its either the CPU or mobo if it woun't let you POST. I would think HD or HD
cables but even a mobo without a HD will post and tell you that NO OS IS
PRESENT so.... so long as you put in a decent power supply when you replaced
it and you're sure your RAM is ok (bad RAM can do bad things) then look at
the mobo and/or the CPU.
Does the memtest at startup look ok when it happens? If it stalls there, it
could be the RAM. Make sure it is seated good or have it tested at the local
computer shop.