Having bougt my copy of F1 2000 this morning I have been attempting to get
to grips with it for an hour or so tonight but just can't handle seeing
these damn transparent tires. Also, when in the car pressing escape brings
up a window which on my pc is also transparent. I assume it is just asking
me to confirm that I want to exit the session, becaue if I press Return it
takes me to the screen with the garage, exit, next session, etc icons...
can anyone confirm that for me??
So anyway, has anyone managed to find a way to get rid of the transparent
My system:-
PIII 600
128mb RAM
32mb Nvidia TNT2 Ultra
Initially I am quite dissapointed as the framerate in a race is apalling, I
know there are a few tweaks that are flying around so i'll give them a go
before giving my proper views, but until I can solve the tires issue I
really can't begin to enjoy it.
Peter Hooper