As for the sound card, the SBLive! X-Gamer is the better buy.
The X-Gamer, MP3 and Platinum are all the exact same card and software.
The Platinum differes only in that it comes with LiveDrive standard.
The X-Gamer has a very good game package that is worth more than the $90 you
pay for the card :)
> Erm, could be either. Find a nice friend;y chappie with a different
> soundcard, plug the wheel into his PC and see what happens. If it works,
> have your answer.
> It's at that point that you buy an SBLive! Value or 1024.
> If it doesn't work though, take it back. PC World are generally quite good
> about returns (I returned 4 broken F1 Sim Compacts to them, (yes, four
> :) ) ), and Dixons are basically the same company.
> Good Luck,
> Mike.
> > I've just got an MSFF (and damned fine it is too) but I'm having trouble
> > with the brake pedal. Sometimes, pressing it will make it go all the
> > way down,(i.e. when looking in the test window) but sometimes,
> > ***all happens. Is it my crappy soundcard (Addonics PCI SV750) and
> > should I get a new one (suggestions on a postcard please) or is it my
> > wheel, and should I take it back to Dixons.
> > All help appreciated, because If I go STRAIGHT into the hay at La Source
> > Once more, I think I'll cry.
> > Doug