I've had my MSFF wheel for quite a long time now, and the throttle spring
has finally given up and died. I don't abuse the MSFF, i just use it a hell
of a lot.
Is it possible to order replacement parts from Microsoft? Do I have to pay?
Their customer support business doesn't cater properly for non US and
Canadian people (johnny foreigners) So I'll have to phone them when their
lines are open in the morning, and that makes me grumble.
With my old thrustmaster wheel, I just had to send TM an email asking for
the parts - and they would quickly post the parts from the US all the way to
where I am in the UK, free of charge. Now THATS service. I even heard of
one guy getting a whole new wheel for free, after sending a particulary
*** email.
Pity their wheel was rubbish.