time on MY computer. Downloaded WVROC, the "fix file", installed
everything, fired up and went on-line to Monza, I think it was. Nobody else
was there so I didn't really have a chance to interfere with a race or to
get into anybody's way. thank God!
The purpose of this post is to (a) warn you that I am dipping my toe in the
water of GPL on-line and (b) ask if there is a league for the elderly,
infirm and partially insane? Your advice would be most welcome.
I run with strict "historic" settings......4"+ ground clearance and 30/85 or
45/85 diff setups. My speeds, therefore, will be lower than the average. I
also drive under the pseudonym of either Pete Aaron (Honda), Jean-Paul Sarti
(Ferrari) or Scott Stoddart (BRM) and can be found between practise sessions
and after each race sitting in the Brabham pits having a beer with the
blokes whilst arguing with my team manager. Or I may be seducing Francois
Hardy in my hotel room. Preferably both.
Bruce Kennewell,
Canberra, Australia.
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