> >Well, I don't know about you, but I'm definitely here.
> No you're not. This is nothing. It's just some virtual network of
> computers that serve news data. It doesn't really exist.
> Don't fool yourself.
Anyway, I just wanted to make it clear that thousands of people are
dying every day from AIDS, kids are being gunned down in Brazil in
drive-by shootings because they are not wanted and considered vermin,
and you guys are crying because something bad happened in a computer
There is such a thing as relativity, you know. Go tell your
wife/girlfriend/girlfriend-to-be/any woman/the samaritans (depending
on where you lie on the scale) that you were crashed into by somebody.
You'll get 'it's only a game' as a response probably 99.9% of the
time. And you know what? They're right.
By the way, this isn't aimed at you Jason, just the guys who started
this all off. Surely they must have experienced worse things in their
life than crashing in a computer game?!?!?