To Dave:


To Dave:

by Eldre » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 14:01:11

Out of curiousity, I googled for the "attention Dave Fisher" thread you keep
harping on.  I found this:
Message 82 in thread

Subject: Re: RASCAR: Attn Dave Fisher (part 1) and everyone else (part 2)

View this article only
Date: 2003-08-24 12:08:48 PST

Awww. Johnny's fed up. You acted like a*** in that practice session. You
made rude comments to the guy you crashed into in one incident. I said
nothing rude to you. I could have. You were weaving all over the place, and
you were racing me in practice. You 100% caused the second incident (find
one person who thinks you didn't), and you then IMMEDIATELY threatened to
kick me off the server. You're an out of control, small***ed, insecure,
cowboy wanna be.

You've ruined RASCAR.


Eldred can respond here and tell me that your behavior yesterday was
correct, and I'm off his RASCAR server.

BTW John, I was on Eldred's RASF1 server earlier, and even without you to
CONTROL things, it all went well. Mitch was there too. We didn't ruin
things....imagine that. I even won the race.

David G Fisher

Notice your last two paragraphs.  Read them.  Understand them.
We'll do the second to last paragraph first.  Now - you asked me to respond if
I thought John was correct(him booting you off his practice server), and you
had been been removed from my server.  I didn't think that he was correct, so
no response was needed in this thread.  I *do* know that I stated it in another
thread.  Something to the effect of "I disagree with his actions, and *I*
woudln't have done it, but it IS his server.  He can do whatever the hell he
wants with it."

Ok, now look at the last paragraph - you admitted that you ran on my RASF1
server.  And, you've run in those races since.  Again - if I wanted to remove
you from RASCAR, why would I have let you run in RASF1?  Both servers were
mine, and I certainly control who races on them.  If I hated you that much to
remove you from one, trust me - you would have been removed from the other.
Also, if I *had* removed you from RASCAR, why would I lie about it now?  I've
got nothing to gain, prove, or worry about - where's the motive?
If you still insist on believing that you were persecuted by me and removed
from my server, in spite of all I've said and proven, then I can't help you.  I
know the truth of the matter.

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Gerry Aitken

To Dave:

by Gerry Aitken » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 17:37:09


Dave's paranoid, but you would be too if the whole world was against you! ;)


Gerry Aitken?

...and a friend shall lose a friend's hammer. - Book of Cyril, chapter
6, verse 16

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Tony Rickar

To Dave:

by Tony Rickar » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 18:54:21

> Dave's paranoid, but you would be too if the whole world was against you!


Davie isn't paranoid, Gerry. That would be an unreasonable belief people
were against him. The whole world really *is* out to get him <G>

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Gerry Aitken

To Dave:

by Gerry Aitken » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 19:33:03

>>Dave's paranoid, but you would be too if the whole world was against you!

> ;)

> Davie isn't paranoid, Gerry. That would be an unreasonable belief people
> were against him. The whole world really *is* out to get him <G>

Hence my statement. ;)


Gerry Aitken?

...and a friend shall lose a friend's hammer. - Book of Cyril, chapter
6, verse 16

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David G Fishe

To Dave:

by David G Fishe » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 21:12:48

Yes, the thread I keep harping on is the one where John ANNOUNCES I AM
OFFICIALLY OUT OF RASCAR. BTW, if your boss ever sends you a letter saying
you are fired, don't believe him. Just sit around and wait two months
because someone who works along side him will probably call and tell you it
isn't true.

Who said you were lying? Your just letting me know now that I wasn't banned
from your server (but I still would of been bannned from Jan's). I can't
read minds.

Uh, I think I've said about three times now in the other thread that it does
look like you didn't take me off the server, but that you never let me (and
others who also believed I was out) now that John's OFFICIAL announcement
was  garbage, and that I should not believe the dictator actually was full
of shit. Don't forget, if John had continued on as ruler of all things
RASCAR without your server, I would of been out. So in fact, I was banned
unless Mitch and  I provided a server. Understand now?

Listen, I'm sorry I didn't know that I should not believe John when he
created a thread which announced I was officially out of RASCAR. Silly me.
It was illogical to think that a guy who couldn't go 5 minutes without
reminding us all how much in control he was should be believed when he says
I'm bannned......or to think that the two of you might have actually
discussed a banning of a RASCAR driver before an announcement to all of ras
was made (I'll remember not to do that to someone else)........or that I
might of expected you to take it upon yourself to spend two seconds and
correct his huge, obnoxious mistake in that banning thread (or elsewhere)
before two months had passed if it wasn't something you agreed with,
especially since I actually asked you to reply to the thread when it
happened (you never made one post to that 89 post thread, of which I was
responsible for two). A RASCAR driver does not deserve such treatment by
those in charge.

All my fault. Mitch and Jan (and others I'm sure) should of also known

I honestly don't have a problem with you Eldred. This is John's fault. He
wanted Mitch and I out, and asked you to do it. I wouldn't be racing today
if John had stayed on as emperor with Jan's server. So I WAS banned from
RASCAR at one point (just not by you) unless someone else provided the
server and didn't want him in running things.

David G Fisher

jason moy

To Dave:

by jason moy » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 21:51:32

On Sat, 25 Oct 2003 08:12:48 -0400, "David G Fisher"

>> Out of curiousity, I googled for the "attention Dave Fisher" thread you
>> harping on.  I found this:

>Yes, the thread I keep harping on is the one where John ANNOUNCES I AM
>OFFICIALLY OUT OF RASCAR. BTW, if your boss ever sends you a letter saying
>you are fired, don't believe him. Just sit around and wait two months
>because someone who works along side him will probably call and tell you it
>isn't true.

That would be this one:

I think the phrase "consider yourself off the ***ing roster" could
for all intents and purposes be seen as kicking you out of RASCAR.


John Simmon

To Dave:

by John Simmon » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 22:08:23

> > Out of curiousity, I googled for the "attention Dave Fisher" thread you
> keep
> > harping on.  I found this:

> Yes, the thread I keep harping on is the one where John ANNOUNCES I AM

You mean this?


Ya know what Dave, I'm thoroughly fed up with your bull-***in-shit
(RE: RASCAR - Almost Got Kicked Out of Practice Today).

I'm gonna lean on Eldred to kick your cry-baby it-wasn't-my-fault
nobody-knows-how-to-drive-but-me ass out of RASCAR. There, you've
succeeded in driving right past annoying and into outright pissing me
off. Consider yourself off the ***ing roster.

Yeah, I did send Eldred an email, but instead of doing what I
requested, he yanked his server. And I honestly thought he would take
you off the invite list, hence the last sentence.

I can only surmise that you under the influence of mind-altering
*** (and some damn good ones).  This further illustrates the need
to make sure history isn't re-written by people whose primary agenda
is to hide or otherwise twist the facts.

And Dave responded to Eldred...

Maybe it isn't ***, maybe you're just "stupid".

But your twisted little half-brain fails to recognize the fact that I
was never the "ruler of all things" in RASCAR. Eldred was always
consulted when I had to perform an admin-type action.  But, if it had
been my server, I would have been able to do it without consulting

Besides, how can my "announcement" have any effect if Eldred simply
took his server out of the equation altogether?  "Stupid" is still my

If you dislike me so much, why ddin;'t you just accept the fact that
I wanted you to stop participating instead of whining and crying like
a little girl?  Granted, I didn't have the ability to remove you
myself, but you could have been a man about it and just quit when you
recognized that your presence was no longer desired in the races.  
Then, Eldred could have removed you from the invite list because you

Finally, you got something right.

Unless that driver (you) is an ***.

I think hell just froze over, and a pig just flew past my window.
Dave admitted that something was his fault (and whatever *it* was
isn't really important). I'm gonna save this newsgroup message
because in anybody ever asks, I'll be able to prove that he did, in
fact, say something was his fault.

Actually, I wanted *you* out. When Mitch wouldn't leave it alone, I
added him to my list of people to be removed from the invite list.

That's a fact.

I told you to quit if you didn't like the way things were run.
Evidently, that wasn't a hard concept for a few others since
apparently they quit for that reason (and that's fine with me), but
for you, the mental leap was just too much for you.

Instead, you decided to flame the hell out of me. How did you expect
that I would react?

Tony Rickar

To Dave:

by Tony Rickar » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 22:50:50

> That would be this one:


> I think the phrase "consider yourself off the ***ing roster" could
> for all intents and purposes be seen as kicking you out of RASCAR.

> Jason

Or "I am going to lean on Eldred" to mean I will try to persuade Eldred to
agree to have DGF removed. Analysing the statements seems pretty futile.
They couldn't agree about it then so it is probable the arguments will get
further apart now.

The Attention Dave Fisher thread followed this one - which is the *real*
blow up
blow up etc. There seemed to be enough voices of reason in this one that it
wasn't worth DGF blowing a gasket over but to no avail.

Now Mitch seems to be trying darned hard to move things on and leave the
past but maybe he needs to get one of these for his mate:


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To Dave:

by McWho » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 22:53:04

> > Out of curiousity, I googled for the "attention Dave Fisher" thread you
> keep
> > harping on.  I found this:


It really is nice to know you can depend on people to be consistent.  You
really should go into politics Dave.  You just keep hammering your point no
matter what other information is brought into the discussion.
Personally, I think you are looking for someone to apologize to you so you
can feel better about yourself.

Here is how it went, John got very strict about rules, Mitch brought the
discussion from the rascar forum to RAS, John was beaten around and several
long and rediculous threads got going, Eldred, having been unaware for a few
days came back and found this rediculous amount of discussion and pulled his
server.  Of course it goes on but for this particular discussion that is all
that is relevent.   Eldred did not need to tell you you were not removed,
you were, as were the rest of us since his server was no longer available
for any of us to race on.  There, do you feel better?  We were all booted
from Eldred's server.

Now IMNSHO, Mitch and Dave seem to be up on the same high horse they jumped
on over what is a volunteer, the sad part is that this far down the line
they are still trying to convince people ( maybe themselves) that they were
right.  I don't really have any problems with Mitch or even his intent
except that when it came to the point that the two of us disagreed he felt
the need to make personal attacks, that was unnessecary and left me feeling
he was very defensive ( again, trying to convince himself he is right? ).
Dave on the other hand, well, I said it above.  Never expect to chance his
mind, Dave is right, Dave is not wrong, Dave does not make mistakes.   Just
remember that and you will be ok.


Tony Rickar

To Dave:

by Tony Rickar » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 22:54:08

<snip loads>

DGF would have written more in this paragraph (god help us) but
unfortunately he got so worked up his head exploded...

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To Dave:

by jon » Sun, 26 Oct 2003 22:56:59

"Tony Rickard"  wrote

Now I want to make it clear here,  I am COMPLETELY impartial to the whole
affair, as I was NOT PARTICIPATING in Rascar when all this was going on. I
don't want what I am about to say to be taken as a sign of agreement or
disagreement with Tony.


Jan Verschuere

To Dave:

by Jan Verschuere » Mon, 27 Oct 2003 00:33:52

LOL... ;-)


Mark Daviso

To Dave:

by Mark Daviso » Mon, 27 Oct 2003 01:15:53

> <snip loads>
> > Listen, I'm sorry I didn't know that I should not believe John when he
> > created a thread which announced I was officially out of RASCAR. Silly
> me.
> > It was illogical to think that a guy who couldn't go 5 minutes without
> > reminding us all how much in control he was should be believed when he
> says
> > I'm bannned......or to think that the two of you might have actually
> > discussed a banning of a RASCAR driver before an announcement to all of
> ras
> > was made (I'll remember not to do that to someone else)........or that I
> > might of expected you to take it upon yourself to spend two seconds and
> > correct his huge, obnoxious mistake in that banning thread (or
> > before two months had passed if it wasn't something you agreed with,
> > especially since I actually asked you to reply to the thread when it
> > happened (you never made one post to that 89 post thread, of which I was
> > responsible for two). A RASCAR driver does not deserve such treatment by
> > those in charge.

> DGF would have written more in this paragraph (god help us) but
> unfortunately he got so worked up his head exploded...




To Dave:

by Tim » Mon, 27 Oct 2003 05:00:44

Anyone who thought John could ban them from RASCAR without Eldred confirming it
probably should be banned from RASCAR lol

Tim White


To Dave:

by Eldre » Mon, 27 Oct 2003 05:22:58

>Yes, the thread I keep harping on is the one where John ANNOUNCES I AM
>OFFICIALLY OUT OF RASCAR. BTW, if your boss ever sends you a letter saying
>you are fired, don't believe him. Just sit around and wait two months
>because someone who works along side him will probably call and tell you it
>isn't true.

That's a funny comparison, but not valid.

I'm not even sure that your participation in the new league came up in that
discussion.  John made rules about the racing that some didn't like.  Jan
agreed to go along with those, abrasive as they might seem.  At the point that
the decision for the new rules was made, I was no longer involved with RASCAR.
In other words, I didn't have a say in how things would be in the future.

I didn't not know he was going to post that beforehand.

or that I

Because of the quickness in which everything 'de-volved', by the time I could
have made a comment it would have been too late anyway.  Just think - if I had
waited by my keyboard and read every message as soon as it came out, this could
all have been avoided.  Excuse me for not being able to read the newsgroup for
several hours so that I could have made a statement that would have soothed
your feelings....  

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