road and everything. Pretty cool. The "driving model" seemed
way better than SCGT to me. But there are 2 main problems
I have with the game.
1) It is way too dark. Surprisingly it was even darker when I
tried using my 16MB TNT card. I am not going to fiddle
with my system gamma and this is a definite game buster
for me.
2) If you are in the driving line the AI will totally run you over. It
seems that they are not aware of the human controlled car
at all. Simply moving out of the groove will prevent about 100%
of this problem.
A third problem which is not that big of a deal is the Forcefeedback
is absolutely terrible. But that was not a game breaker for me. If
they patch for the 2 above problems I will definitely repurchase
the game. The way it is now, I cannot even play the game enjoyably.
I liked the incar radio, and found the framerate totally acceptable.
I played at 640x480 and only 6 cars were drawn. I have a full field
and the mirrors were on, but all other mirror options were off. I was
even OK with the sound (YIKES!).
Hopefully the 2 above issues will get fixed in a patch.
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Please reply to: cisko[AT] ix [dot] netcom [dot] com