Excellent post, Lorne, and I agree with 100% of
what you say.
>PC133, IBM 27.3Gb system, and I own [MANY] games that will not run the way
>want the game to run as smooth as it can I need to turn some stuff down....
>this is nothing new for me (am I the only one ?). While I agree there may be
>some issues with bad code in F1-2000... I`m happy EA chose to give us the
>best possible graphics, rather than toning them down so that an average
>system could run the game with everything maxed out.
>I think the "feel" of the F1-2000 car is great.... I have no idea how close
>it is to a real F1 car but I know I have a lot of fun driving it. The AI is
>the main problem with this sim and I dont think there is any doubt about
>that. For the life of me I dont know how they could ship a game with this AI
>and I dont think I will ever be able to figure it out either. I hope there
>is a patch.... but if not I`ll be more than happy to do my racing online. I
>just finished racing a guy located on the other side of the world and he was
>using 56k dial-up (I have cable). The game ran just like it does OFFline,
>and let me tell ya...it was FUN. Also, having all the cars\drivers\tracks
>from the just underway real F1 season [right out of the box] is nothing
>short of fantastic (even if the tracks are not "100%" true copies of the
>real tracks, they are close enough for me).
>Now I dont want to start anything up..... but I must admit that when I read
>many of the threads in RAS I feel that many people seem to forget that "fun"
>is what it`s really all about (is anyone getting paid to drive a sim
>?...maybe a few, but not many I`m sure). Some people seem to act as if they
>drive for the top team (GPL)...they have made it to the top...and any other
>sim (or sometimes even sim driver) is worthless. I dont think this is the
>purpose of RAS and it would be nice to see more of a coming together of
>people talking about why they have fun with one sim over another and not so
>much looking for ways to cut someone down.....IMO having fun and sharing
>info is what it`s all about. It`s almost as if some GPL players feel that
>they are actually driving a "real" car and anything else (so far) is just a
>computer game....and I hardly believe there is that much of a difference. I
>tried GPL when it first came out ....and yeah I was impressed with it, but
>it didnt make me feel that sims like GP2 and F1RS were worthless... far from
>it. Btw, at the time GPL came out it didnt run that well on my system, so I
>didnt get right into it....but I do plan to give it another try in the near
>future. Ok rant over :)
>I think there have been many lame attempts at making F1 sims in the past (I
>dont need to list the names) and I did not have fun with any one of them (if
>others did, all the power to ya, thats what it`s all about). I feel F1-2000
>offers enough "sim fun" to place alongside GP2, F1RS, and MGPRS as one of
>the best modern F1 sim`s made to date.... and if the AI is fixed [I believe]
>it will jump to the top of the podium in a heartbeat. Does that mean I think
>it`s "the best"..... maybe for me it will be.... but I sure wont try to tell
>someone that likes another sim that they are wasting their time with it.
>As a side note..... I have a feeling that GP3 is going to be a great
>Sim....and I think that many people are thinking the same thing (God knows
>they have been working on it long enough).
>But without a fast simple (good working) way to play online....it might not
>win me over...It`s also not going to have FF support. . . These are just a
>few more reasons I feel F1-2000 is worth looking into if you are sick of
>playing GP2, F1RS, MGPRS, etc.
>All the best,
* rrev at mindspring dot com *