I don't get any force feedback in F1C other than some oscillations. But, I
get decent force feedback when I run the ETCC mod. I made sure all the FF
settings were the same in F1C as they are in the ETCC mod, but I don't get
anywhere near the FF in F1C as I do in ETCC.
I'd post all my settings, but I've changed them so many times I can't tell
you where they are exactly at the moment. I know I have the slider in the
sim down between -60 and -90 somewhere and all the axis' are set to 50 with
a deadspot between 0 and 2.
I think in the Wingman Profiler I have sensitivity at 100, deadzone at 0 and
range at 100. Overall effects is currently at 130%, enable centering spring
is checked and set to 0. For some reason I see that use special steering
wheel settings is also checked.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Gary Beard