For Papyrus...New Projects 2?


For Papyrus...New Projects 2?

by operato » Wed, 25 Dec 1996 04:00:00


        Please, please, please, please do a road racing cycle sim. Can either be
GP (all three classes) or AMA Superbike/World Super Bike (multiple
classes).  AMA would probably be easier to get team/manufacturer/sponsor

  And how about a little role playing involved. You have to start out as a
privateer or 125 GP rider.  Win a few races and pick up sponsors and
eventually a factory ride. Win sub-class/125GP championship, and get to go
to the next class. Make getting to the 500cc 180HP/sub 300lb raging beast a
reward, like it is in the real world (oh yeah send, anyone able to do this
a large check in the mail for that gritty realism. Oh yeah if they crash,
they get drug behind a truck for 100 ft.) Okay, maybe thats too much
realism, but put in something more than "pick Williams/Renault, play as
Damon Hill, beat everyone"  I wan't to race against Damon, not be him.

  Also, we have these joysticks, Wheels, Yokes, with multiple buttons and
hat switchs.  How about using hat switches to look
left/right/behind/whatever. Racers have heads that turn (when they can) and
aren't restricted to mirrors; motorcycles don't even have mirrors. Even
more important in a cycle sim is "looking into a corner" as you go through
it.  Since straffing apexes at a 15 degree angle limits the amount of track
you can see on a 15' monitor, some sort of virtual***pit would be in
order. Actually a simple "look up to the right/left" button would probably
work fine.

  Anyway this are just suggestions(wild dreams?) though I think new ideas
are long overdue in the racing sim category. Simply updating engines is not
the way to stay competitive.
If you must do a car sim, how about sprint cars. Give us dirt/asphalt/both
tracks and low down force! whoo hoo! nothing like sliding through that
corner, taking the inside line! Hey, that gives me an idea for dirt
tracking motorcycles...



For Papyrus...New Projects 2?

by simrac.. » Wed, 25 Dec 1996 04:00:00

>Hey, that gives me an idea for dirt tracking motorcycles...

Coconuts of Japan plan a release (if not already) for one of the game
units such as Playstation.  :)

Best Regards,

Marc J. Nelson
Sim Racing News - USA

Wayne William

For Papyrus...New Projects 2?

by Wayne William » Wed, 25 Dec 1996 04:00:00

Yes a Sprint Car SIM!  That would be awesome.



For Papyrus...New Projects 2?

by operato » Thu, 26 Dec 1996 04:00:00

Ooh, Ooh! I'm gonna hafta look for that one!



For Papyrus...New Projects 2?

by simrac.. » Thu, 26 Dec 1996 04:00:00

>Ooh, Ooh! I'm gonna hafta look for that one!

It's really a blast...I played it at the E3 show last May, and felt they
did some justice to motorcycles that other companies left out.  :)

Merry Christmas.

Marc J. Nelson
Sim Racing News - USA


For Papyrus...New Projects 2?

by Jo » Sat, 28 Dec 1996 04:00:00

| Ooh, Ooh! I'm gonna hafta look for that one!

| Zippo

| > >Hey, that gives me an idea for dirt tracking motorcycles...
| >
| > Coconuts of Japan plan a release (if not already) for one of the game
| > units such as Playstation.  :)

I want to see  Papyrus port an indycar program to PSX. As I;ve said
before, spending $150 on a playstation sure beats spending $2500 on a
cutting-edge P.C. just to play "games." And the new Papyrus NASCAR for
Playstation proves that porting it would be completely feasable. is a usenet newsgroup formed in December, 1993. As this group was always unmoderated there may be some spam or off topic articles included. Some links do point back to as we could not validate the original address. Please report any pages that you believe warrant deletion from this archive (include the link in your email). is in no way responsible and does not endorse any of the content herein.