Well I know several key people from Sierra UK who have "jumped ship"
following extremely bizarre requests made of them in their new
contracts. Far from this being a Cendant problem, the rot appears to
have set in around the time of the CUC takeover when the base of
operations switched from the States to Paris, France.
Since then, key people have been leaving in droves, not just from
Sierra but from Blizzard (10 people walked out) and Papyrus as well. A
lot of this may be down to the alledged improprieties of the parent
company in it's financial details but that's really just speculation.
Regardless of what Cendant have done/are doing, Sierra should be doing
it's best to do what is best for itself and its employees but appears
to be dropping the ball.
I may not know anyone at Papyrus but I know from experience that when
key members of a team leave, it is often hard to maintain the balance.
That said, I have played GPL (press preview) and it IS the best racing
sim I have played for some time.