I did not think anyone could top the incompetent and dishonest reviews
that were written by David Laprad of The Adrenaline
Vault(http://www.racesimcentral.net/) or Garrett***s of
Operation 3DFX(http://www.racesimcentral.net/), but
this one takes the cake.
Whether you like CPR or not, go read the review by Rod White at
PCME(http://www.racesimcentral.net/), because it is
absolutely hilarious. There are plenty of funny quotes about how good
the AI is, and he calls both Grand Prix 2 and Indycar 2 "Indy" car
simulators.The words "hard core simulation" are used throughout the
review, but of course there is no mention of the lack of full course
yellows, or AI that can be beaten by 20mph average on Professional
settings. However, as a P166, 32mb ram, Pure 3D(6mb 3DFX) owner who
has never been able to run CPR,patched or unpatched, at better than 20
frames per second with***pit on; I find the following quote the best
of all.
"It's not a resource hog. If you have a P166+ with a 3Dfx Voodoo
Graphics or Riva-128 powered board, you should be in good shape."
Its not a resource hog?!? Yeah right, and Grand Prix 2 has network
play and weather effects.
I should be in good shape to go back to playing the Rendition version
of Indycar 2(CART Racing) with the new 3D enhanced/AI enhanced tracks
provided by The Sim Project(http://www.racesimcentral.net/)!!. I'll take 30
frames per second full detail, good AI, full course yellows, and the
good control that Indycar 2 offers, over the frustrations of CPR
After reading the reviews at The Adrenaline Vault and Operation 3DFX,
I stopped visiting those sites for *** news and reviews because I
felt they could no longer be trusted. I am now adding PCME to the list
as well.
Don Chapman