That's how I first heard about GPL, from the Sierra Interaction Magazine -
more than TWO YEARS AGO ... my ex-girlfriend had a computer (I didn't) and
had just bought Hoyle Solitaire or something. We filled in the registration
card, and soon after received the magazine. There was a picture from GPL (I
believe it's the same one that's on the bottom of my 3rd page of screenshots
( ) with a sentence or two about the
That was enough to tweak my interest! (but then I'm a racing nut! - I'm sure
the majority of people just glanced right over it). Have been following it
ever since..
On a side note (kind of),
Sierra USA - still showing "early October" - the one page still shows
"Spring, 1998"..
Sierra UK - now has the Monza demo (full) available for download.. BUT HAS
why?? They had a complete in-depth section, with a history of the
development, the features, a magazine review, pictures (got a few of them on
my site), and more. When I first came across it, I was very impressed - this
was what Sierra SHOULD be doing - well done Sierra! - but where the heck is
it now??? --- bad move!!
Sierra Germany - they HAD a pretty good GPL section.. had some black and
white pictures (on my site, again), had an interview with Patrick
(somebody)... who was a German racing car driver.. he gave his impressions
on the realism of driving GPL compared to a real car. Had a couple of great
pages full of information... but guess what?? THE GERMAN WEBSITE IS NOW NOT UP AND NO NEW LINK IS GIVEN - that means that the
entire Sierra (de) website is gone, along with all that great GPL
information. (good thing I took most of the good stuff before they
Sierra France - DOESN'T HAVE ANY MENTION OF GPL - has "Half-life", which is
soon to be release.. has Pro-Pilot, which is a new Sierra game, but
absolutely no mention of GPL - its as though the game didn't even exist.
Pretty sad situation, that's for sure. Sierra.. I second the motion - if
you're looking for new marketers, I'd be more than happy to help you out.
Just give me a shout!
For the GPL track files, FAQs (I've got them!), installation help, release
date updates, PC GAMER preview pics, and more!
This week's Poll-of-the-Week: Did you, or didn't you download the WAREZ GPL?
>In another thread, Bruce Kennewell wrote (in response to an assertion from
>>I completely agree with your comments regarding (a) Sierra Sports
>>complete antipathy with regard to their site for up-dated GPL
>I saw another example recently. On Thursday, I received a copy of
>"interaction" magazine, which is apparently published quarterly by Sierra.
>It's essentially a promotional magazine, with articles on all their current
>games, and a few miscellaneous ads from companies like Diamond Monster.
>Lo! And behold! There's a four-page article with screen shots of GPL!
>wasn't any "news" in the article that we don't already know about, but I
>happy to see Sierra at least promoting this to their other customers and
>Here's what was odd. The magazine opens with a "Launch" section, in which
>recently or soon-to-be released games are covered in detail. (There were
>articles on Starseige, Starseige TRIBES and Ceasar III -- I'm not familiar
>with any of these.)
>GPL was back in the "Focus" section. I'm not sure what that means to the
>editor or other readers, but I would have taken it to mean that the sim is
>still in development. Whatever.
>There are 18 demos on the CD from different categories. But no GPL. The
>Sierra Sports featured demos are Nascar 2 (boy, there's some latebreaking
>stuff), Trophy Rivers and Golf. But no GPL. Not Monza, not the Glen.
>Sheesh, I hope they fill that open marketing position at Sierra soon.
>Eagerly (and impatiently) awaiting,