of the forthcoming F1GP2 from MicroProse. The major enhancement
programmer Geoff Crammond has made over the original F1GP is
in the graphics department. The ( VGA only ) screenshots look
really cool - much better than IndyCar. The texture mapping
is much clearer and light source shading is used to create
subtle shading effects on the cars bodywork. Also, a technique
has been implemented to add 'shine' to the surface of the car
just like in real F1.
Basically, Crammond says that he likes to design his games with
his own direction - he doesn't like to copy what others have
done before so he's only had a brief look at the competition
( e.g. IndyCar ).
Screenshots so far are from the completed Suzuka circuit in
Japan. Cars displayed all have correct liverage for the 1994
G.P. season. In addition, the cars are each shaped slightly
differently ( e.g. raised nose on a Ferrari, droop nose on
the Williams ). Textured sand-traps are visible at certain
corners around the track which will be a welcome addition in
the realism department. Also, the drivers turn their heads in
the direction the car is turning into a corner in a much more
realistic fashion than F1GP. Each car will have its own
individual***pit layout.
Crammond claims that PC hardware has just about kept pace with
his algorithm developments - expect around 20 fps on a "top-of-
the-range" Pentium ( whatever speed that is? ). Graphic detail
can be turned off to achieve a good frame-rate on lower spec
machines. The majority of the processor time goes on the texture
mapping with a smaller fraction on the lightsourcing and shine
and a smaller again amount on the 'simulator'. Despite this,
Crammond insists that the simulator ( physics, AI etc.. ) has
been greatly enhanced for F1GP2 with drivers that block and get
upset. Variable weather has also been included in the race. In
the sound department, we are promised realistic 'doppler-effect'
The game is due to be released in September '95 ( read December
for a realistic release date!! ) on one CD. It should support
head-head play with network play a possibility. MicroProse
originally indended to release with SVGA intros and VGA in-game
graphics but they have decided to upgrade the in-game textures
for optional SVGA play, presumably in reaction to other new SVGA
games on the market ( NASCAR and the forthcoming IndyCar2 ).