Get the 3D Blaster. It runs Indy2 3D better than the reactor.
It also sports the best drivers and bios upgrades.
>I am returning my reactor tomorrow because my motherboard is only pci
>2.0 compatible not 2.1. (P120). The reactor had some problems and
>games kept on crashing when trying to use video dma, even though
>dmadiag ran fine (with verite card installed).
>>>I have a 75mhz Pentium with 16megs of ram (maybe 24meg if the 3d card would
>>>be worth it). With 39 cars, min frame rate at 11, and max at 20, the
>>>grandstands and objects come one when no one is in front of me (at
>>>Talladega). Otherwise everything stays off. I'm thinking about getting a
>>>Reactor card in January to run Nascar2, icr2, and mtm. What I'm wondering
>>>is will this let me see more graphics, or just make the occasional
>>>flickering grandstands smoother?
>> The Reactor would be a worthwhile improvement, IMHO. On my P133, I
>>get a 30% frame rate increase in NASCAR2 in Rendition DMA mode vs.
>>VESA SVGA. One question is whether your machine can do video DMA on
>>the PCI bus. I'm not sure if it will work without the Verite card,
>>but look for the DMADIAG program on David Sparks' WWW site. That
>>should tell you what your machine is capable of. If it can't to DMA,
>>I'd think twice about it.
>> A second point, the Reactor is on special at $149 until December
>>31. List price is $199. Buying one in January is not recommended.
>> Third, do you have to do all of your posts in MIME? A 20-line
>>posts gets padded out to 66 lines. Maybe I'm using the wrong
>>newsreader (Forte Free Agent), but MIME does nothing for me (aside
>>from wasting space). :(
>> Good luck with your upgrade.
>>Pick one or more: Model Rockets (competition-NERCB) / PCs (even Atari!) /
>>Papyrus ICR-ICR2-NCR / Who needs a life when you have multiple non-lives?