Where do we get the track ?
> Where do we get the track ?
> Larry
> > Server Name: RASCAR Roadies
> > Time: 6pm eastern
> > Track: Rouen
> > Setup: Open
RASCAR will generally be running races at the converted tracks on the
weekends when Nascar is on a break. So far, the only exception is
next weekend when we run the previously postponed event at Daytona.
I got a message that my version of Rouen and the servers were
incompatible. It wouldn't let me join. I didn't see anyone there
Richard "ZZ" Busch
Screamers Racing League
GPL Rank + 17.415
MoGPL Rank + 318.586
N2002 Rank + 7.695
Busch Motorsports:
Remember racecar is racecar spelled backward
Busch Carpentry:
A good carpenter can nail anything
> I got a message that my version of Rouen and the servers were
> incompatible. It wouldn't let me join. I didn't see anyone there
> anyway.
Beers and cheers
(uncle) Goy
"goyl at nettx dot no"
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels........"
--Groucho Marx--
> > I got a message that my version of Rouen and the servers were
> > incompatible. It wouldn't let me join. I didn't see anyone there
> > anyway.
> I'm not 100% sure on this, but N2003 is quite picky so if either you or
> John has done anything but a straight conversion, you'll probably get
> that message
> I got a message that my version of Rouen and the servers were
> incompatible. It wouldn't let me join. I didn't see anyone there
> anyway.
> > I have no clue what that might be about. I converted unmodified
> > tracks (not graphics improvement files have been applied to my copy).
David G Fisher
> Where do we get the track ?
> Larry
> > Server Name: RASCAR Roadies
> > Time: 6pm eastern
> > Track: Rouen
> > Setup: Open
"Larry" said:
I don't think it is a matter of legalities, but propriety. If you
support the work of track convertors like Dave Noonan, you require all
league members purchase the convertor. But...as we are finding out, N2k3
seems to be VERY picky about tracks, so league admins would be wise to make
available a standard track for each event. Otherwise not all the members
will be able to connect.
As far as users taking converted tracks done with Noonan's utilities
and then releasing them...THAT will only end with Noonan and other no
longer converting tracks. Short term gain that will harm all simmers in
the long run.
dave henrie
(no babies were killed in the writing of this post)
> > I didn't think that was legal.
At least, that's what everyone used to be concerned about...