I hope you all understand that NASCAR 2 is not
a WINDOWS 95 program. NASCAR 2 runs using
DOS/4GW which is a 32-bit DOS operating system
in protected mode.
What this means is when you run the program in windows 95
expect the worst and be happy with what you get until they
finally give us the WINDOWS 95 version.
Don Wilshe
In the NASCAR 2 manual it says from PAPYRUS I QUOTE!!!
Note: NASCAR 2 Racing 2 is a DOS based game. If you use
the WINDOWS 95, we recommend that you restart your computer
in MS_DOS mode before playing. The game will run faster
and have more memory for longer replays in DOS.
Papyrus has told us over and over again that you should not
run multiple memory managers in the system like, EMM386
so dont expect and stability in WINDOWS 95. Dont expect
TOP speeds as well. I have always run from a DOS BOOT
disk and it has served me well..