Server X-Treme Network already has the lowest public racing server prices
o-n the net.
For a limited time, we are offering 1 month FREE server rental upon signup.
Our normal prices are $67.50 for our public/pickup/use it however you want
server. You have no limitations o-n passwords, number of races, types of
races, when you can race or server configuration.
a.. More years of experience in hosting racing servers than anyone o-n the
b.. Offer two different data center connections in Texas and Indiana.
c.. Multi-level backbone connection via our data centers.
d.. Ability to start/stop your server.
e.. Ability to modify and host your own "Mods".
f.. Ability to upload/modify your own tracks.
g.. Create your own invite list.
h.. Track and Statistical information provided by Racereaper and
i.. NO RESTRICTIONS o-n resale/rental of your server. Great way to reduce
your costs.
Bill Bollinger