That is how combined axis works. Lets say that the Axis range is 0-255,
then the brake and gas total resistance would be roughly 128. When the gas
is pressed, the resistance rises via the gas pot to about 255, but if the
brake is pressed the resistance drops to about 0. If both are pressed
together, the resistance remains somewhere near the 128 mark. So one must
increase, and the other must decrease. That also works in separate axis,
and almost all Sims will recognize that the brake is actually being applied,
even though the resistance is dropping.
The above numbers are actually just reference points applied to a particular
resistance based on the specs and travel of the various pots available, and
not necessarily the measured resistance.
It would be possible to install a DPDT switch in line with the brake pot to
reverse the signal by simply flipping the switch. This would allow the
pedal to go back to combined mode when required.
Glen Pittman
> Hmmm...why would it be "backwards" in the first place?
> Marc
>>> I know that I probably could just re-wire the brake pedal pot, but I'm
>>> reluctant to do so, just because of a problem with one sim that may
>>> eventually be addressed thru a patch anyway. Besides, I can always use
>>> the Logi peds with RBR, although I really don't like'em.
>> Bert,
>> I was reluctant to rewire my Thrustmaster pedals but it was a simple job
>> and
>> I really couldn't see a situation where it would cause a problem.
>> The issue is the Windows drivers (like yours) see the split brake pedal
>> as
>> starting from a high input and reucing as the pedal is pressed. This is
>> clearly visible in the calibration routine.
>> Therefore the sim needs to either recognise the starting point (pedal not
>> pressed) and the fully pressed figures to determine the correct set up or
>> offer a reverse axis option.
>> By turning it around so pressing the pedal increases input figure it
>> overcomes the need for this option in the sim, hence I cannot see any
>> issue
>> in any other sim either now or in the future.
>> Hope this helps
>> Tony