In any case, it's always the game's fault, Dave. Ask any TSW or ECCI or BRD
owner.... ;-)
In any case, it's always the game's fault, Dave. Ask any TSW or ECCI or BRD
owner.... ;-)
Interesting, when I talked to Dave he told me he had RBR on order, but
hadn't received it yet. Maybe there is a parallel universe :-)
I have a TSW with USB input, and had the split axis problem in RBR. Haven't
had any problem in any other true sim....other games, yes
So yes, I _do_ think that it's the game.
> In any case, it's always the game's fault, Dave. Ask any TSW or ECCI or BRD
> owner.... ;-)
My wheel/pedals work fine in every game. I guess they must be magical.