I would agree, for the money get the celeron. I just did the bx/celeron
upgrade and have run it at 338, 374 and 450. This is done by changing the
bus speed, the celeron is locked at a multiplier of 4.5 so a 66mhz bus gets
you a 297, 75=338, 83=374 and 100=450! It runs well at 374 with all
graphics and cars. At 450 it did require an increase in cpu voltage to 2.1.
All the changes are done in the soft menu and are very easy to try
different things. Definitely cool your cpu and your video card! Overcooling
everything is highly recommended. By increasing the bus speed everything
gets hotter be warned that this will void any warranty. Another thing is
that if papy sims are your priority and you intend to run at or near 300
then an 8 meg thriller is recommended, for faster cpu's and general ***
get the voodoo II at least 8meg. I am running 128meg pc100 ram but 64 will
do fine. Good luck.
> Hi all
> I have just bought GPL, and like many now planning an upgrade to increase
> FPS. I only have a limed budget (400 max). At present I have a p200mmx
> 64m EDO ram voodoo 1 & 2m rage pro. After looking throughu usual
> mags I have found a company who offers upgrade kits and I have narrowed
> down to a choice of:
> Kit 1
> celeron 333a
> Bx motherboard
> 4m AGP grapics (On board)
> 16 bit sound (on board)
> 32M pc100 ram
> Kit 2
> Pentium 2 350
> bx motherboard
> 8m Agp grapics
> 16 bit sound (on board)
> 64m pc100 ram
> I would like if possible to buy from this vendor as they are close to my
> home so I could return any faulty items.
> Please could someone in the know please advise
> Many Thanks
> Russell