> At the moment I am running GPL on a P2-266 with 64Mb RAM and a Voodoo 2
> card. I'm thinking of upgrading as I'd like 36 fps with 20 cars at Monaco
> :)
> Can anybody tell me if upgrading to a P2-450 (or o/c Celeron) would do the
> trick?
> Thanks in advance
I have a brand-stinkin-new P2-450 with 128mb RAM, and a 12mb V2 card and
can get 36fps with a full field at Monaco. It isn't quite that high right
when the green drops but after about 4 or 5s it is back up the 35-36.
This is in 640x480 mode with FULL detail everywhere. In 800x600 it goes
up to 36 fps but it isn't until after the cars around me thin a bit. I
also notice that the fr is more likely to fluctuate depending on what is
going on around me.
It is the Canopus Pure3d2 12mb card.
I also have the Canopus Spectra 2500 and the framerate at 800x600 is
similar but the mirrors are a little screwy. I am so happy with the V2
performance, I hardly mind.
One note. I really don't see enough of a difference between 640x480 and
800x600 to justify the loss in frame rate. I know I have seen posts on
r.a.s. saying that people aren't happy with their performance at 1024x768
but what do you expect? Sure it is a bit crisper but I am usually so busy
driving I don't notice. Of course, I will beef up the resolution to
outrageous levels for replays to watch the action. I can even hook the
video out from the Spectra or V2 to my vcr, record the race and then
watch it on TV! Now THAT is sweet!
Thanks, Papyrus. This sim is simply the best!
*Peter* #:-)