I was exactly where you are several months ago. Your mb is a socket seven and
the fastest intel cpu that will fit is a 233-not worth it, the fastest viable
cpu for your mb is an amd k6-333- this would be way better but not what you
really want, btw a k6 2 is no benefit without a super seven board so if your'e
putting in a new motherboard then.. Get an abit bh6 or bx6, either is overclock
friendly and done in software at bootup-very easy, put in a celeron 300A and run
it at the standard bus speed of 66mhz for a few days for burnin, then up the bus
to 75 ( 338 cpu) then 83 (374cpu) then 100(450cpu!), take it slow and if your
system becomes unstable and locks or freezes or whatever back off for more
burnin time AND increase your cpu voltage from the standard 2.0v to 2.05, 2.10
etc up to 2.2, Iv'e heard of as much as 2.4 but... You will be very happy with
the performance although you may want to include 128meg new pc100 ram and a full
voodoo2 video card. A lot of hard core sim drivers and GPL veterans are running
this at 374 and it works very well. For the best prices check pricewatch.com,
the mb,cpu, and ram will run you under $500
> I currently have P200 (classic) w/ 64 ram running 66mhz bus/clock speed, a
> Rendition V1000 and a 3d Vodoo2 (12mb) video cards, soundblaster 32, 12
> speed CD, 56K modem. I don't have a lot of money to spend at this time.
> Where should I start? The Intel P2 processors are so expensive. Should I
> go with a Celeron 333A or a AMD 3d now? Will I be unhappy with these in the
> long run? I think I can get 128 PC100 SDRAM with a AMD 3D NOW and MB for
> about $450. Should I go this route? I'd hate to spend $4-500 and not be
> happy in 4-5 months.
> Thanks,
> Gary