Has anyone else noticed that the Civics you purchase, new or used, in the
"simulation" mode have much greater hp than advertised? Check the specs
before buying, then check the specs from your garage after you purchase it.
You'll see an 40hp+ increase. Many of the other cars in the game have +/- 5hp
from spec. The Civics are the only ones I've seen that are so much higher.
Not originally because of this, I had chosen one as my starter car. I win all
the B races off the bat (though usually qualifying at the back until I
Also, as I mentioned previously, the 0-60 and especially top speeds do not
jibe with the hp and weight specs. 142 mph from a 114hp Miata? When it does a
0-60 in 10.2 sec?? Same 142 mph from a del Sol S model?