Phew, I'm a bit dizzy after reading that one. The "heady heights"
certainly can't be a tough goal for them.
Rafe Mc
:: Expect to see the game showing up the rival franchises some time in June.
Yeah, right! It'll be X-Box first, where it'll run like a dream, then PC
where it'll run like a dog on anything below 2ghz - wait and see! And guess
what - we'll all have to buy an X-Box...
The pessimist.
Damien Smith
ICQ: 77028579
F1 2001 rank: +35.325
> --
> Damien Smith
> ICQ: 77028579
> F1 2001 rank: +35.325
It'll probably run at 30fps on the X-box and 25.6fps on PC - heh.
Mighta been ref. to Hedy Hites, the 6'3" forward of the Boston Celtettes....
He's promised to have 2002 season data with the new version...trouble is it
won't be released until 2005.
> > Damien Smith schrieb:
> > > Is it just me or is anyone else simply expecting GP4 to be GP3 with an
> > > animated pit crew?
> > Don't you think you're expecting too much ?
> > Werner
> He's promised to have 2002 season data with the new version...trouble is
> won't be released until 2005.
> > Bernie makes you pay extra for current licenses (one reason Papy
> got 1967 on
> > the cheap). What the pompous dwarf doesn't realize is that
> playing the sims
> > makes one hunger to see the real thing in person, i.e., it
> converts gamers
> > into paying spectators. But hey, he's rich so he can afford to be
> as dumb
> > as a freeze-dried***.
> C'mon - say what you think Stephen...