> thus spoke:
> >GP3 is a great example of the issue at hand. The *** r.a.s. crowd
> >simply makes the totally wrong assumption that Geoff Crammond sees
> >THEM as the target crowd. I'm pretty sure that this is not the case.
> >99% of the sim-buying public is perfectly happy with the carbehaviour
> >in GP2. So GC doesn't think it needs massive improvement over GP2
> >(like GP2 was over F1GP) and concentrates on other issues.
> >Therefore, GP3 will deliver just about what the 99% needs to reach
> >their suspension of disbelief.
> >JoH
> I bet the majority of the buyers will never have even seen GP2.
> Therefore, they are not even qualified to say what is wrong with GP3
> and will be ignorant to it's shortcomings. They will buy it just
> because it has pretty F1 cars on the box.
> --
a pretty box. GP2 was a million-seller, and there are a lot of people out
there who know what they got with GP2, they know what to expect from GP3,
and it sounds like they are going to get it, and be happy. I will be.