On Thu, 27 Nov 1997 13:47:12 -0600, "Greg Cisko"
>I think it is disgusting that Papy repackaged ICR2 called it
>something different (amazing similar to CPR), and is trying
>to sell it like it is something new. I wonder how many unsuspecting
>people think this is ICR3? I was almost fooled into thinking is was
>CPR. The box covers look very similar with the CART logo all
>over the place.
>So papy, who are ya crappin with that?
I initially had this response, but the following has changed my
mind (or at least tempered my criticism ;)
* List price is only $30, not what you'd expect to pay for a brand new
sim ($50 or more). (BTW, CompUSA has got it on sale for $25 through
Dec. 6.)
* The package contains a $10 rebate, good through 2/28/97. So the
effective list price is now only $20.
* The package includes a 200 page handbook by Steve Smith. Very good
stuff in there! To me, this alone is worth buying the package for
(and at $25-10 = $15 for the handbook, I don't think you can say its
not a fair value for the book alone).
* The box is clearly marked that its a reissue. Aside from labeling
it "NOT Microsoft CART Precision Racing" is 144 point type, *some*
people are going to be fooled anyways. ;)
Before you send me UCE, I know what you're thinking... Did he complain
to five or six postmasters last month? Now, you must ask yourself one
question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do you, punk?