vid card. I have the Radeon 9000 with 128m ram. I figured I could use
1024x768 32bit reolution....gave me stutters. tried same screen size with
16bit....still stuttered....turned down a couple of things.....I thought I
should be able to max out the graphics in vehicle world and
whtanot.....well....everything still nets me a stutter. It starting
happening in GTA3 as well. I run end it all first and it seems to make no
difference. any ideas ??
p.s. I haven't tried all my games yet.....afraid to find them all
stuttering. BTW, this card is about 6mths old seems to have just
started it. Could it be the new drivers....not the BRAND new, but catalyst
3.6 I believe is the version. JUst updated these mid week.