I have a Imagine 9fx motion 771 2meg video card.
Here is the rest:
Dell Dimension XPS P100c
32meg Edo, Win'95, Nec 4x, Sony Trinitron 15", AWE32, etc.
Will the new SciTechDisplayDoctor5.3a increase my framerate? Nascar2
with all details except grass/track, 20forward 3behind cars, works great
at over 20fps except Martinsville. Thanks a lot,
Good race at the Brickyard, (Old'Indytrack guy)
[===] Go Rubens Barrichello, Jacques Villeneuve,
| ! | And all you that thinks that Jacques Villeneuve is
|!| from Canada, your right!! He's from St-Jean sur le
|o| Richelieu, 30 minutes from Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Fran?ois Mnard "Wasupe LeGrand"
Nien Numb in the National Star Wars League(X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter league)
Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition,N2,Gp2,Icr2.How can my life be better?
May the force be with you, always!!
Que la force soit avec toi, jamais!(for you French people)
Excuse me for my poor English(I'm French speaking)